Remote Jobs At Coleap

Lifelong learning needs to become simultaneously more engaging, accessible and effective. What we believe will get us there:

1. Making online education more social: most online education 1.0 providers delivered single-player learning (e.g. Coursera, EdX, Udemy). These platforms created unprecedented accessibility for learners, yet aren't always effective (think: MooC's 3-10% completion rates). Learning with like-minded peers (= what we call learning communities) can vastly improve outcomes. It provides accountability, opportunities for continuous practice and feedback, network expansion (key in a career transition), and makes the process much more fun. Peer-led learning also opens the path for the strengthening of peer-to-peer credentials, which under the [rapid unbundling for work from employment]( could [disrupt]( the traditional reliance on institutional degrees (which incentivizes institutions to maintain scarcity)
2. 100x more learning communities, by involving experienced operators: so far there are too few learning communities out there. That's a problem because individual cohorts can't scale indefinitely and not every learner has the same time objective, budget, time availability, starting point and/or timezone. If those that have learnt valuable skills (= "experienced operators") could give back to 1000s learners around them, the story would be different.

This is what we are building at [Coleap]( - a platform to enable 1,000s of quality learning communities to emerge. We aim to enable step-changes to 100 million learners by 2030.

Hires remotely in

  • Senior Software Engineer @ EdTech Startup




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