Remote Jobs At (Re)vive

Revive was born to take on a supply chain challenge that every brand faces: What should we do with slightly imperfect returns, store try-ons, display samples, or just plain old excess inventory?

Without actionable data, brands only have a few (not ideal) options: costly recycling - difficult when the materials are not built to be recycled easily; donations - also difficult since donation centers cannot process that much volume; and as the last resort, incineration or destruction of the goods. Current options offer no financial recovery, and brands expect to lose the majority of asset value for deadstock.

Revive is a first-in-line solution. Before recycling or donating, let our AI-powered platform show the recovered value potential of this inventory. Let us help you make a decision of whether these small damages are worth cleaning and/or repairing to be sold. Based on your decision, Revive will help realize the maximum value of this neglected inventory.

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